Projects & Exhibitions

  • United Nations World Oceans Day 2024

    A poetry curation presented at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

    In celebration of UN World Oceans Day, Alfaaz curated poetry surrounding the UN’s theme “Awaken New Depths”

  • Alfaaz Volume I

    Alfaaz Volume I: A Collection of Written Pieces Recreated By Visual Artists

    Our first publication

    A collection of pieces, including poems, short stories and reflections written by Alfaaz contributors, recreated by visual artists in their own respective mediums.

  • Songs From The Earth

    Our curation at the Songs From The Source Exhibition in New York City, in collaboration with the Extended Reality Ensemble

    • A digital depiction of the relationship between nature and human creativity to inspire people to reconnect with nature

    • An art installation made with live materials

    • A film featuring poetry from around the world filmed in Japan

  • United Nations World Oceans Day 2023

    A poetry curation presented at the United Nations in New York

    In celebration of UN World Oceans Day, Alfaaz curated poetry surrounding the UN’s theme “Planet Ocean: Tides Are Changing”

  • Tea Haus Poetry Collaboration

    In collaboration with Tea Haus

    We partnered up with the wonderful folks at Tea Haus and curated the line up and theme: Expected Departure - Engaging with temporality, change, loss, and welcoming the unknown.

  • Letters Without Borders Exhibition

    In collaboration with the Extended Reality Ensemble in New York City

    Letters Without Borders linked the microcosm of Queens, New York with the macrocosm of our globalized world, exploring communalities and differences that bring us together as immigrants "writing letters home to those we love".